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Michael Smith, Author, Translator, Printmaker
Jan 6, 20205 min read
Degannwy Castle - a stronghold brought to ruin by revenge
A brief history of Degannwy (Deganwy) castle in North Wales, with a description, photographs and useful links.
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Michael Smith, Author, Translator, Printmaker
Jul 9, 20196 min read
Review: Green Knight - a mediaeval lady's real thoughts on knighthood and chivalry
A review of Dr Debbie Cannon's magnificent play about Lady Bertilak and her love for Sir Gawain - as seen from the point of view of The
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Michael Smith, Author, Translator, Printmaker
Mar 18, 20195 min read
Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire - a wonder in the fens
Bolingbroke Castle is a special castle with a history fundamentally linked to the history of England. Built on an hexagonal plan, the castle
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Michael Smith, Author, Translator, Printmaker
Oct 24, 20184 min read
The Battle of Agincourt, 1415
An overview of the revolutionary tactics used by Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt 1415.
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Michael Smith, printmaker, Mythical Britain
Sep 5, 20184 min read
The church of St John the Baptist, Barnack, Cambridgeshire – an astonishing Anglo-Saxon survival
A brief tour with photographs of the astonishing Anglo-Saxon (and later) church of St John the Baptist at Barnack, Cambs. A truly remarkable
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Michael Smith, printmaker, Mythical Britain
Aug 12, 20183 min read
The historic landscape at Castle Bytham in Lincolnshire
A description of the astonishing motte and bailey castle at Castle Bytham, Lincolnshire, with its historic earthworks and man-made landscape
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Michael Smith, printmaker, Mythical Britain
Aug 11, 20182 min read
Illustrating my new translation of the Alliterative Morte Arthure (King Arthur's Death)
A new translation of the epic fourteenth century story of King Arthur's Death by Michael Smith will feature over 32 stunning linocut ill
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Michael Smith, printmaker, Mythical Britain
Jul 22, 20184 min read
In search of the De Veres - St Nicholas Church at Castle Hedingham
St Nicholas Church in Castle Hedingham, Essex contains a rich collection of Norman, mediaeval and Tudor work. Of particular interest is a ra
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Michael Smith, printmaker, Mythical Britain
Apr 18, 20183 min read
The Age of Chivalry - Inspiring my Books and Prints
The Fourteenth Century holds a real fascination for me; particularly the fashion and ethos of the later days of the Age of Chivalry. In this
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Michael Smith, Mythical Britain
Nov 25, 20172 min read
Creating a linocut print of Sir Hugh Calveley
How I made and printed a four-colour linocut of the Cheshire Knight, Sir Hugh Calveley. Michael Smith, Mythical Britain
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Michael Smith, Mythical Britain
Aug 30, 20173 min read
St Winefride's Well - an amazing mediaeval survival rich in history and mythology
Learn about St Winefride's Well - an amazing mediaeval well in Flintshire, North Wales.
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